Diverse customers, extensive product range

Whether allergy-free products, canned goods, agricultural raw materials or non-food products - we show every product the necessary appreciation. With the possibilities of our suppliers and the variety of products, we offer the right product for a wide variety of needs and thereby fulfil nearly every wish.

"The highest appreciation applies to the food,
that we need for everyday life."

Wolfgang Gladysz

"You only strive for what you love. 'In this sense, I see identification with our products and highlighting their added value as a basic requirement for a successful customer relationship. The honest and appreciative handling of both the products themselves and the customers is essential for long-term and satisfactory cooperation. That’s what makes us special."
– Laura Graffelner, MSc, Sales & Product Management



Feel free to contact us for a personal discussion
by sending us an email:sales@infood.at
or call us at: +43 (0) 3112 / 22188