Agricultural raw materials

Here, too, we offer a wide variety of raw materials from agricultural primary production for further processing - both fruit and vegetables and, as always, conventional or organic.

In agricultural commodities trading too, we do everything we can to live up to our high quality standards and values, such as reliability and loyalty to contracts, transparency and fairness. In particular, fair prices for our agricultural suppliers are of fundamental importance. This is the only way this business model can continue to exist in the long term.

"As the person responsible for agricultural raw materials, my work is very diverse. The challenges are numerous and complex, and since it is fresh produce, decisions must be made as quickly as possible. Very close contact and open communication with partner companies, handling of entire processes, and the diversity of the goods make my everyday life exciting. Accuracy, reliability and loyalty are my most important values towards customers and suppliers."
– Krisz­tina Szekér, Logistic – Agricultural raw materials



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